How Do We Advance Our Understanding of Global Earth-Space Interactions?

February 19th, 2018

11:00 am



How Do We Advance Our Understanding of Global Earth-Space Interactions?



Despite decades of research even the most basic Earth-near space interactions remain to be controversial.  This is due to several complicating factors:  1) the interaction between Earth and near space is global; 2) it is dynamic; 3) it covers a large range of scale sizes; and, 4) it often involves non-linear processes.  As an additional challenge our observations are typically sparse.  As a consequence, our understanding is often based on simplistic schematics and untested assumptions.  In this talk I will present examples of why I think magnetosphere-ionosphere physics is still in its infancy and how new techniques and observations are needed to advance our understanding.  On the other hand, this is the very same reason why this is a great field for prospective students.  The talk will be tailored for students, researchers and experts.



Dr. Jesper Gjerloev is currently Principle Professional Staff scientist at Johns Hopkins University – Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland.  He is world-wide recognized scientists studying Earth – near Space interactions.  He received his master degree from the Niels Bohr Institute (theoretical space plasma physics) and his PhD in space physics (auroral electrodynamics) from Danish Technical University while performing the research at NASA – Goddard Space Flight Center. He has been involved in numerous large projects including the ACES rocket experiments, the SuperMAG collaboration, the ARCH project, and the Birkeland mission (serving as the PI of the last three projects).